4Cs Clothing Program
Do your children need clothing? Are you wondering how you are going to afford it? The 4Cs can help.
Caring Children Clothing Children's clothing program provides an opportunity for needy children to gain self-esteem by obtaining and wearing clothing similar to their peers at no charge to their families. Children's clothing is donated to our bins at area schools, then sorted and presented at our store in department store fashion by volunteers. Recipients are referred by schools and charitable agencies who provide the eligible children with vouchers (vouchers are not required but can be used) to shop at no cost for three outfits as well as new underwear, sock and shoes, up to three times a year.
If you would like to obtain clothing for your child through our program, you can visit the 4Cs store during store hours and must bring a photo ID and reside in Martin County. You can shop every 4 months. Store hours are: Wednesdays from 12-5 p.m., Fridays from 9- 2 p.m., as well as the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9-1 p.m. In addition, the store is open late the 1st Wednesday of each month. Please contact us directly for more information. Call 772-221-8777.
Caring Children Clothing Children's clothing program provides an opportunity for needy children to gain self-esteem by obtaining and wearing clothing similar to their peers at no charge to their families. Children's clothing is donated to our bins at area schools, then sorted and presented at our store in department store fashion by volunteers. Recipients are referred by schools and charitable agencies who provide the eligible children with vouchers (vouchers are not required but can be used) to shop at no cost for three outfits as well as new underwear, sock and shoes, up to three times a year.
If you would like to obtain clothing for your child through our program, you can visit the 4Cs store during store hours and must bring a photo ID and reside in Martin County. You can shop every 4 months. Store hours are: Wednesdays from 12-5 p.m., Fridays from 9- 2 p.m., as well as the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9-1 p.m. In addition, the store is open late the 1st Wednesday of each month. Please contact us directly for more information. Call 772-221-8777.
Atencion Padres y Madres
Necesitan sus hijos ropa? No sabe como la pueda pagar?
Nosotros en 4Cs le podemos ayudar.
4Cs Caring Children Clothing Children tiene un programa donde les da la oportunidad a niños necesitados de obtener ropa de moda, parecida a la de sus compañeros de escuela, sin pagar nada. Completamente gratis.
La ropa es donada en diferentes lugares en la comunidad donde tenemos puestos, luego traida a nuestro almacen donde las voluntarias la organizan y arreglan como si fuera una tienda de ropa. Nuestros clientes son referidos por los colegios y agencias de caridad. Es alli donde entregan los vouchers para traer a la tienda donde les da 3 prendas de ropa, ropa interior, calcetines, y zapatos. (Hasta 3 veces al año).
Si a usted le gustaria obtener ropa gratis a traves de nuestro programa, recoja su voucher en una de las escuelas en el condado de Martin, o en una agencia de servicios sociales. Para mas informacion, llame al 772 287-7533.
Nosotros en 4Cs le podemos ayudar.
4Cs Caring Children Clothing Children tiene un programa donde les da la oportunidad a niños necesitados de obtener ropa de moda, parecida a la de sus compañeros de escuela, sin pagar nada. Completamente gratis.
La ropa es donada en diferentes lugares en la comunidad donde tenemos puestos, luego traida a nuestro almacen donde las voluntarias la organizan y arreglan como si fuera una tienda de ropa. Nuestros clientes son referidos por los colegios y agencias de caridad. Es alli donde entregan los vouchers para traer a la tienda donde les da 3 prendas de ropa, ropa interior, calcetines, y zapatos. (Hasta 3 veces al año).
Si a usted le gustaria obtener ropa gratis a traves de nuestro programa, recoja su voucher en una de las escuelas en el condado de Martin, o en una agencia de servicios sociales. Para mas informacion, llame al 772 287-7533.